Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mike Merz ? Online Marketer and Autoresponder Expert | Online ...

Who is Mike Merz?

Mike Merz has just recently been recognized as one of the top five internet marketing experts. He specializes in the area of email autoresponder efficiency for marketing on the internet. Before he started his online career, Merz had been working in retail marketing. He stayed in the retail business for over twenty years before he decided to transition to online marketing.

Merz has stated that it was his desire to work with and help other people that made him switch careers. He once said that helping others to become successful is a great way for an individual themselves to become successful. Since his first marketing campaign, Merz has helped other marketers by offering free advice through newsletters, forums, webinars and articles. Many experienced marketers charge for information or newsletters, or they try to sell the website visitors something such as affiliate software or other marketing tools.

What kind of approach does Mike Merz take in regards to business?

Merz?s overall approach to the online marketing business revolves around good ethical standards. His style of marketing management is always progressive but fair and honest at the same time. This is what helped to propel him to become one of the most well known and successful online marketers.

Today, Merz has his own website that presents free and up to date information on various topics such as autoresponder efficiency with e-mail lists, web traffic generation, mailing lists, online advertising, marketing research and joint ventures. This information is available for access by anyone that wants to learn. It is suitable for beginning and intermediate online marketers. Most of the information is presented in the form of articles or website links.

Expert Author Christopher M. Castillo of is a top internet marketing guru who works with industry leaders in developing the best tools to automate making money online. His real passion is for helping others achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations of earning a full time living online with his methods. Christopher is also known for small business consulting, business plan creation and for teaching others how to make business success. Christopher M. Castillo is an expert in marketing holds a BBA and MBA in Marketing and has decades of experience in Marketing for corporations, small business and non-profit organizations. To learn more how Christopher M. Castillo and his team of Mentors can teach you to make money online today, visit them at and take a FREE TEST DRIVE!


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