Saturday, March 31, 2012

Benefits of taking Fido to work may not be far 'fetched'

Friday, March 30, 2012

Man's best friend may make a positive difference in the workplace by reducing stress and making the job more satisfying for other employees, according to a Virginia Commonwealth University study.

Stress is a major contributor to employee absenteeism, morale and burnout and results in significant loss of productivity and resources. But a preliminary study, published in the March issue of the International Journal of Workplace Health Management, found that dogs in the workplace may buffer the impact of stress during the workday for their owners and make the job more satisfying for those with whom they come into contact.

The VCU researchers compared employees who bring their dogs to work, employees who do not bring their dogs to work and employees without pets in the areas of stress, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and support.

"Although preliminary, this study provides the first quantitative study of the effects of employees' pet dogs in the workplace setting on employee stress, job satisfaction, support and commitment," said principal investigator Randolph T. Barker, Ph.D., professor of management in the VCU School of Business.

"Dogs in the workplace can make a positive difference," he said. "The differences in perceived stress between days the dog was present and absent were significant. The employees as a whole had higher job satisfaction than industry norms."

The study took place at Replacements, Ltd., a service-manufacturing-retail company located in Greensboro, N.C., which employs approximately 550 people. Approximately 20 to 30 dogs are on the company premises each day. The study took place over a period of one work week in the company setting, during which time participants completed surveys and collected saliva samples. Pagers were assigned to prompt employees to complete surveys during the day.

The researchers did not observe a difference between the three employee groups on stress hormone levels, which was measured via a saliva sample, in the morning, but during the course of the work day, self-reported stress declined for employees with their dogs present and increased for non-pet owners and dog owners who did not bring their dogs to work. The team noted that stress significantly rose during the day when owners left their dogs at home compared to days they brought them to work.

According to Barker, the team observed unique dog-related communication in the workplace that may contribute to employee performance and satisfaction. For example, he said, although not part of the study, that employees without a dog were observed requesting to take a co-worker's dog out on a break. These were brief, positive exchanges as the dogs were taken and returned and also resulted in an employee break involving exercise.

Barker said that other findings revealed mostly positive comments from employees such as "pets in the workplace can be a great bonus for employee morale ?," "having dogs here is great stress relief" and "dogs are positive; dogs increase coworker cooperation."

"The effect of pets in reducing the impact of stress and enhancing communication found in other settings may extend to the workplace," said Barker.

"Pet presence may serve as a low-cost, wellness intervention readily available to many organizations and may enhance organizational satisfaction and perceptions of support. Of course, it is important to have policies in place to ensure only friendly, clean and well-behaved pets are present in the workplace," he said.

According to Barker, further research with larger sample sizes within the organizational setting is needed to replicate the findings of this initial study.

Randolph Barker collaborated with Janet S. Knisely, Ph.D., associate professor of psychiatry in the VCU School of Medicine; Sandra B. Barker, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry in the VCU School of Medicine; Rachel K. Cobb, Ph.D., research faculty in the VCU School of Nursing; and Christine M. Schubert, Ph.D., assistant professor of biostatistics at the Air Force Institute of Technology.


Virginia Commonwealth University:

Thanks to Virginia Commonwealth University for this article.

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Young Syrian activists put life on hold in revolt

FILE-In this March 21, 2012, file photo, anti-Syrian regime activists cover their faces with scarves in the colors of the Syrian revolution flag as they prepare a banner to be held in a protest, in Damascus, Syria. Last year, Abu Bakr Saleh was a 19-year-old Syrian university student whose modest dreams were to land a job and earn enough to marry his girlfriend _ not simple tasks given Syria's weak economy and his lack of connections to the ruling elite. Many youth activists say they had plenty to revolt about as they faced adulthood in societies where decades of autocratic rule left them with limited freedoms and constricted economies. For Saleh and other young Syrian activists, the uprising is about more than toppling a dictator. It's fight for their generation's dreams. (AP Photo, File)

FILE-In this March 21, 2012, file photo, anti-Syrian regime activists cover their faces with scarves in the colors of the Syrian revolution flag as they prepare a banner to be held in a protest, in Damascus, Syria. Last year, Abu Bakr Saleh was a 19-year-old Syrian university student whose modest dreams were to land a job and earn enough to marry his girlfriend _ not simple tasks given Syria's weak economy and his lack of connections to the ruling elite. Many youth activists say they had plenty to revolt about as they faced adulthood in societies where decades of autocratic rule left them with limited freedoms and constricted economies. For Saleh and other young Syrian activists, the uprising is about more than toppling a dictator. It's fight for their generation's dreams. (AP Photo, File)

FILE-In this March 21, 2012, file photo, anti-Syrian regime activists cover their faces with scarves in the colors of the Syrian revolution flag as they prepare a banner to be held in a protest in Damascus, Syria. Last year, Abu Bakr Saleh was a 19-year-old Syrian university student whose modest dreams were to land a job and earn enough to marry his girlfriend _ not simple tasks given Syria's weak economy and his lack of connections to the ruling elite. Many youth activists say they had plenty to revolt about as they faced adulthood in societies where decades of autocratic rule left them with limited freedoms and constricted economies. For Saleh and other young Syrian activists, the uprising is about more than toppling a dictator. It's fight for their generation's dreams. (AP Photo, File)

FILE-In this March 21, 2012, file photo, anti-Syrian regime activists cover their faces with scarves in the colors of the Syrian revolution flag as they prepare an Arabic banner that reads, "how would a mother be happy in the Eid (mother's day) while in each home we have a martyr," to be held in a protest in Damascus, Syria. Last year, Abu Bakr Saleh was a 19-year-old Syrian university student whose modest dreams were to land a job and earn enough to marry his girlfriend _ not simple tasks given Syria's weak economy and his lack of connections to the ruling elite. Many youth activists say they had plenty to revolt about as they faced adulthood in societies where decades of autocratic rule left them with limited freedoms and constricted economies. For Saleh and other young Syrian activists, the uprising is about more than toppling a dictator. It's fight for their generation's dreams. (AP Photo, File)

TRIPOLI, Lebanon (AP) ? Last year, Khalid was a 19-year-old Syrian university student whose modest dreams were to land a job and earn enough to marry his girlfriend ? not simple tasks given Syria's weak economy and his lack of connections to the ruling elite.

Since then, he's become a fugitive activist in the fight to topple President Bashar Assad. Khalid said he has been tortured by security forces and hasn't spoken to his loved ones in months for fear he'll endanger their lives.

Young people like Khalid have manned the front lines in the uprisings across the Arab world, organizing protests, documenting violence and taking up arms against government troops.

Analysts say youth frustration has proven to be a potent force in an area where some 60 percent of people are under 25 ? making it one of the world's youngest regions.

Many youth activists say they had plenty to protest, facing adulthood in societies where decades of autocratic rule left them with limited freedom and constricted economies. For Khalid and other young Syrians, the uprising is about more than just toppling a dictator. It's a fight for their generation's dreams.

"I can't think about my own life now," said Khalid, now 20, after sneaking across the Syrian border into Lebanon. "All I can think about is working to make the revolution succeed because it will have a huge effect on the lives of all youth."

The young have been key players in Syria's uprising since its start in March 2011, when security forces arrested a group of teenagers who scrawled anti-regime graffiti on a wall in the southern city of Daraa, generating huge protests.

Assad's security forces violently cracked down, deploying tanks, snipers and thugs to quash the spreading dissent. Later, many civilians took up arms to defend their communities and attack security forces. The U.N. says more than 9,000 people have been killed, including at least 500 children. Hundreds more children have been injured, detained or abused.

As the death toll mounts, young activists acknowledge some naivete in their decision to challenge one of the region's most brutal police states. Their elders often tried to dissuade them, recalling how Assad's father and predecessor, Hafez, killed between 10,000 and 25,000 people while crushing a 1982 rebellion in the city of Hama.

"Many of them were scared. They saw what the regime can do and told us, 'We were there in 1982. You weren't.'" said Mustafa, 24, who fled the coastal city of Banias to Lebanon last year. Like Khalid, he asked only that his first name be used for fear of endangering relatives inside Syria.

Still, many have decided that a chance at better lives was worth dropping their studies, jobs and marriage plans.

Before the uprising, Khalid studied engineering at a university in the central city of Homs, even though he was interested in computers and wasn't sure he'd ever get a job. He dreamed of going to school abroad, but government scholarships went to students in the ruling Baath Party.

He never thought about politics, but began paying close attention when uprisings toppled dictators in Tunisia and Egypt last year. In March, security forces stopped an anti-regime demonstration on campus, then forced students to attend a pro-Assad rally.

In April, security forces killed protesters in his neighborhood, Baba Amr, then posted troops to deter future gatherings.

"That was the first time I got mad and decided I was against the regime," Khalid said.

Anger grew in the neighborhood as the regime crushed more protests and raided homes to arrest activists, sometimes detaining their parents, he said.

Khalid started a Facebook page to commemorate those killed while working with other activists to film protests to post online.

In October, security forces stopped him at a checkpoint and found a photo on his cellphone of a government sniper, Khalid said. At the police station, he was beaten with a mop handle until his back was numb, then locked with six others in a cell so small that only three people could sit down at a time, he added.

For 20 days, he was regularly beaten during interrogations and suspended by plastic strips around his wrists, he said. He finally escaped with the help of a sympathetic security officer.

"After that, I knew I'd never shut up," he said. "I wanted to do the impossible to make the revolution succeed."

But first, he broke up with his girlfriend, worrying that their relationship would endanger her. She cried when he told her.

"I had to do it for her safety," he said. "I have set out on a martyr mission. As soon as you say, 'I'm an activist,' you know you could die."

At that time, Baba Amr was becoming a national symbol of the uprising. Army defectors has flocked to the area, making it harder for troops to come in, protests grew and the youth organized into media, medical and even trash pickup committees.

That defiance drew the regime's wrath, and in early February troops surrounded Baba Amr and shelled it daily. Khalid and the media team kept working, filming and uploading videos and communicating with journalists and other activists via Skype.

Despite the violence, there was youthful mischief. When an explosion near their makeshift media center silenced a rooster often heard in their videos, they commemorated him with his own Facebook page.

On Feb. 22, government rockets hit the media center, killing a number of activists and foreign journalists Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik, who had sneaked into Syria. Government troops captured the area on March 1, after armed rebels and activists pulled out.

Khalid says he's seen the bodies of some of his relatives in activist videos from the neighborhood and hasn't spoken to his parents in two months.

None of the activists' claims could be independently verified. The Syrian government bars most media from operating inside the country.

Another Baba Amr activist who also fled to Lebanon said he passed up a chance to study medicine in Germany so he could work to topple Assad.

"I reached a point where I realized that Syria could have a good future," he said, declining to give his name for fear of reprisals against his relatives. "I used to want to go to a developed country, but someday, after Assad falls, Syria will be like that. But we'll build it ourselves."

While international condemnation of Assad has mounted, diplomacy has failed to stop the violence and many activists acknowledge that the conflict is unlikely to end soon.

Most are still driven by the hope of better lives in Syria.

"I want to go back and study, get a job in a company," said Mustafa, the activist from Banias, who was a barber before the uprising and now helps Syrian refugees settle in Lebanon.

He, too, put marriage plans on hold because of the uprising, but is still in touch with his girlfriend whom he hopes to marry someday.

"Perhaps the day after the regime falls," he said, laughing.

Associated Press

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Friday, March 30, 2012

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Definition Of Forex Arbitrage

The international currency market trading Forex ? is often a global inter-bank market, which provides services to the commission works with the currency as well as the implementation from the foreign exchange transactions. Today, the foreign exchange market can be a telecommunications network, which participants are physical and legal persons. Daily an incredible number of transactions inside the currencies of numerous countries all over the world move across the auction of this international exchange.

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Interbourse Forex arbitrage (version 2) basically relies upon the difference of fx rates, that is present on several stock markets, but his conduct within the existing conditions with the Exchange is extremely difficult.

Furthermore, Forex arbitrage may be simple or complex. In case there is the complex Forex arbitrage, you need to carefully monitor the dynamics of fx rates of taking part in the auction. Trading on Forex arbitrage version 2: 1 is really a simpler way of interaction and is also most common for financial transactions. The need for arbitration initially is usually to conduct forward transactions for getting and selling currency exchange options. Option has to be implemented, and its particular terms and conditions depend on the sort and the mandatory provisions in the signed contract

Normally, the choice of trading strategy depends upon many considerations when taking part in the forex markets. Warning must be taken as most traders appear to generate losses rather than make profit the forex markets. Over 90% of retail traders (people that don?t have business dealings with and Banks) actually generate losses in forex, and this statistic should tell you just how you can?t type in the forex markets without a solid strategy for the trading.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

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[ [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Afghan security forces and police killed three', 3]], '', '[Related: Bales\' wife on his alleged shooting: \'He would not do that\']', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['looking for fireworks between the opposing camps', 16]], '', '[RELATED:\?It?s going to be a circus\?: Activists begin protests outside Supreme Court]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 8]], '', '[RELATED: Obama\?s health care law passed 2 years ago, but where are we now\?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP/David Goldman', ], [ [['Can you create commerce in order to regulate it', 9]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP/Charles Dharapak', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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Death sparks fears of more fan violence in Brazil

(AP) ? Escalating soccer violence in Brazil is sparking fears of a new wave of confrontations in South America's biggest city.

A 21-year-old Palmeiras supporter was fatally shot in the head in Sao Paulo in a fight involving nearly 500 fans Sunday.

This was the second soccer-related death in just more than a week in the country that will host the 2014 World Cup. There hadn't been a death linked to fan fighting in Brazil since early last year, when a Corinthians fan was killed in Sao Paulo.

There have been clashes between rival fan groups nearly every week this year, and authorities said Monday they will meet in the coming days to try to establish the causes of the renewed violence.

The Sao Paulo state football federation said it is banning the two fan groups involved in Sunday's fight from entering stadiums.

"The strategy that was in place before is not working anymore and something needs to be done to make sure these cases don't happen anymore," Sao Paulo state prosecutor Thales Cezar de Oliveira told The Associated Press.

Oliveira acknowledged there is a sense of urgency because Sunday's death could generate more violence.

"Without a doubt police will have to stay on alert now," Oliveira said. "They will have to monitor this situation closely to keep another incident like this from happening."

Andre Alves was killed when hundreds of Palmeiras and Corinthians fans confronted each other Sunday morning in Sao Paulo's north side, using iron bars, pieces of wood and rocks as weapons. Another Palmeiras fan was shot in the hip, and two others remained hospitalized with head injuries, one of them in serious condition, according to local authorities.

Riot police were deployed and had to use tear gas and rubber bullets to halt the confrontation. They detained four people, including two suspected shooters.

The fight happened several hours before the teams met in the Sao Paulo state championship, more than 6 miles from the Pacaembu stadium where the match occurred. Authorities were investigating reports the fight was set up through social media networks.

"This match is seen as a championship in itself, but it has to be a healthy rivalry," Corinthians coach Tite said. "There has to be a limit."

Authorities believed Sunday's confrontation might have come in retaliation for the death of a Corinthians supporter early last year in an ambush by a Palmeiras fan group, a fight that didn't happen on a match day.

"We need to do something to stop this right now," Oliveira said. "If they keep starting these fights to avenge a death, they will never end."

A few days ago, a 28-year-old fan of small club Guarani died of head injuries after fighting with Ponte Preta supporters in the interior city of Campinas, about 60 miles from Sao Paulo. The death prompted authorities to ban the teams' fan groups from stadiums.

Fan groups from the top Sao Paulo state clubs ? Palmeiras, Corinthians, Sao Paulo and Santos ? have been involved in several incidents before matches this year, but there have been problems in other parts of the country too.

Four Goias fans were wounded by gunshots in Goiania in January, and another four were shot after a fight that left 80 people detained in Rio de Janeiro late last year.

In November 2010, a 19-year-old Cruzeiro fan was killed after being repeatedly beaten with iron bars during a brawl between dozens of rival fans in Belo Horizonte in southeastern Brazil.

Oliveira said several actions were in place in Sao Paulo to help combat fan violence in the last few years, including a close relationship with the fan groups, the prohibition of alcoholic beverages inside the stadiums and the decrease in the number of fans at away matches. Banning fan groups from stadiums may be an option now, although similar measures in the past did not prompt satisfactory result.

Experts said Monday that the lack of severe punishment and proper police training are some of the reasons for the continued violence. They say authorities need to take a more active role.

"They are being too passive in relation to this problem and this is what ends up happening," said Mauricio Murad, a sports sociologist with the UNIVERSO university in Rio de Janeiro. "We need better trained police and proper punishment to try to contain this problem."

Murad conducted a study a few years ago that showed that more than 40 people were killed in connection with Brazilian soccer matches between 1999 and 2009.

He said the problem is mostly isolated to fan groups and this kind of fan violence should not cause concerns for events such as next year's Confederations Cup and the 2014 World Cup.

"It's a different issue," he said.

Other South American nations have had to deal with fan violence recently. One man was killed and dozens were injured in two separate instances in Colombia this month.


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Associated Press


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HKS Talent showBlurtt is a photo sharing app with a twist - you can add funny captions to your photos before you share them (a little like Hipster, but not) and essentially turn your dull life into LOL life. I spoke with founder Jeanette Cajide about the process of building an app from the ground up and how important it is to have a strong pivot. The app originally was supposed to let you create and send real postcards from a print shop in Dallas, but as the founding team assessed the cost - and the competition - they built a way to have a bit of goofy fun (and serious fun if you want to get all mopey in your captions) with photos you take on the go.


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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Expedition to undersea mountain yields new information about sub-seafloor structure

ScienceDaily (Mar. 26, 2012) ? Scientists recently concluded an expedition aboard the research vessel JOIDES Resolution to learn more about Atlantis Massif, an undersea mountain, or seamount, that formed in a very different way than the majority of the seafloor in the oceans.

Unlike volcanic seamounts, which are made of the basalt that's typical of most of the seafloor, Atlantis Massif includes rock types that are usually only found much deeper in the ocean crust, such as gabbro and peridotite.

The expedition, known as Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 340T, marks the first time the geophysical properties of gabbroic rocks have successfully been measured directly in place, rather than via remote techniques such as seismic surveying.

With these measurements in hand, scientists can now infer how these hard-to-reach rocks will "look" on future seismic surveys, making it easier to map out geophysical structures beneath the seafloor.

"This is exciting because it means that we may be able to use seismic survey data to infer the pattern of seawater circulation within the deeper crust," says Donna Blackman of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, Calif., co-chief scientist for Expedition 340T.

"This would be a key step for quantifying rates and volumes of chemical, possibly biological, exchange between the oceans and the crust."

Atlantis Massif sits on the flank of an oceanic spreading center that runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

As the tectonic plates separate, new crust is formed at the spreading center and a combination of stretching, faulting and the intrusion of magma from below shape the new seafloor.

Periods of reduced magma supplied from the underlying mantle result in the development of long-lived, large faults. Deep portions of the crust shift upward along these faults and may be exposed at the seafloor.

This process results in the formation of an oceanic core complex, or OCC, and is similar to the processes that formed the Basin and Range province of the Southwest United States.

"Recent discoveries from scientific ocean drilling have underlined that the process of creating new oceanic crust at seafloor spreading centers is complex," says Jamie Allan, IODP program director at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), which co-funds the program.

"This work significantly adds to our ability to infer ocean crust structure and composition, including predicting how ocean crust has 'aged' in an area," says Allan, "thereby giving us new tools for understanding ocean crust creation from Earth's mantle."

Atlantis Massif is a classic example of an oceanic core complex.

Because it's relatively young--formed within the last million years--it's an ideal place, scientists say, to study how the interplay between faulting, magmatism and seawater circulation influences the evolution of an OCC within the crust.

"Vast ocean basins cover most of the Earth, yet their crust is formed in a narrow zone," says Blackman. "We're studying that source zone to understand how rifting and magmatism work together to form a new plate."

The JOIDES Resolution first visited Atlantis Massif about seven years ago; the science team on that expedition measured properties in gabbro.

But they focused on a shallower section, where pervasive seawater circulation had weathered the rock and changed its physical properties.

For the current expedition, the team did not drill new holes.

Rather, they lowered instruments into a deep existing hole drilled on a previous expedition, and made measurements from inside the hole.

The new measurements, at depths between 800 and 1,400 meters (about 2,600-4,600 feet) below the seafloor, include only a few narrow zones that had been altered by seawater circulation and/or by fault slip deformation.

The rest of the measurements focused on gabbroic rocks that have remained unaltered thus far.

The properties measured in the narrow zones of altered rock differ from the background properties measured in the unaltered gabbroic rocks.

The team found small differences in temperature next to two sub-seafloor faults, which suggests a slow percolation of seawater within those zones.

There were also significant differences in the speed at which seismic waves travel through the altered vs. unaltered zones.

"The expedition was a great opportunity to ground-truth our recent seismic analysis," says Alistair Harding, also from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and a co-chief scientist for Expedition 340T.

"It also provides vital baseline data for further seismic work aimed at understanding the formation and alteration of the massif."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by National Science Foundation.

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Getting the Word Out: Jumpstarting the SLA-NY Communications ...

Amy Sarola | Director of Communications ||?

Amy Sarola is a researcher in the Health and Life Sciences unit at the global management consulting firm Oliver Wyman, a Marsh & McLennan company. She has an undergraduate degree in biology and is a former practicing attorney who specialized in intellectual property law. Amy received her M.L.S. from St. John?s University in January 2011.

Hello everyone, I am Amy Sarola, the 2012 Director of Communications for SLA-NY.

I hope that after reading this sentence my name seems at least vaguely familiar. If so ? great! ? that means that you are receiving and viewing the notices that I post to the SLA-NY listserv. If not, please do have a look, as the Chapter is doing some great stuff under our new President Donna Severino?s dedicated leadership. And if you are not subscribed to the SLA-NY listserv, you can find out how to become a member here.

Last autumn, I was very honored to be asked to take on the role of Director of Communications for SLA-NY for 2012, and looked forward to working with Donna to further her vision of creating a well-defined, sustainable system for communicating with the Chapter?s membership. I knew that it would be a big (more on that later), but exciting job.

My specific goal as Director of Communications is for all SLA-NY notices to be posted in a timely, coordinated manner across all media formats that the Chapter has at its disposal, namely, the listserv, website, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. As a sophomore information professional not too far removed from my M.L.S. studies, I also thought that it was important for SLA-NY?s communications to reach students at the local library schools so that these individuals could begin to engage with the Chapter immediately upon embarking on the journey to their new careers as librarians and information professionals.

I knew that I would need a lot of help in order to accomplish these goals. Until this time, all of the heavy lifting associated with disseminating SLA-NY communications had incredibly been done by just two people: ?former Director of Communications Lynn Schlesinger, and webmaster Stan Friedman. So I recruited some enthusiastic volunteers to form the initial version of the SLA-NY Communications Committee: Nicole Dupras and Katie Hut on Twitter/LinkedIn and Facebook, respectively, with Stan staying on as webmaster, and Davis Erin Anderson and Rebecca Chadwick serving as the library school announcement team.

In order to maintain a timely notice system, Communications Committee members committed to a one business day turnaround for postings. And for seamlessness, I created a backup for each role to be utilized when a Committee member is temporarily unable to fill his or her duties due to work obligations, vacations, etc. Through these measures, I hoped to instill confidence among SLA-NY program coordinators that the Committee could and would fulfill its mission.

The Communications Committee has made phenomenal progress in developing, testing, and utilizing a workable system for disseminating SLA-NY communications to the membership in a very short period of time. I?m proud to say that the word is officially out, as we are now receiving unprompted requests for promotional assistance from Chapter program coordinators, and we have also received feedback that our efforts are making a direct contribution to an uptick in attendance at events such as the Midtown Luncheon.

In fact, so much progress has been made that we are already embarking on what I have termed ?Phase II? of the Committee?s mission, which relates to communications with the Chapter?s membership beyond SLA-NY event announcements, including cross postings of notices from other SLA divisions and chapters, increasing social media commentary on topics of interest to special librarians; updating the Chapter website to make it more user-friendly; and liaising with our Advertising and Membership Committee colleagues on Chapter sponsorship and marketing materials. The individuals involved with these efforts, several of whom were recruited through Donna?s call for volunteers, including Hannah Behrens (social media), and Johanna Goldberg, Jodi Nelson, Jackie Rider, and John Tomlinson (a proper website support team for Stan).

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about all of the exciting work that the SLA-NY Communications Committee is doing. I am very proud of the results that we have achieved thus far in our relatively short existence, and it is my hope that the procedures that we have put into place will be our legacy to future SLA-NY Communications Committees. Finally, if you have any question or comment about the Committee, please do reach out and communicate with me at


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They've Survived Cancer, Now Can They Have Kids? | Ru1Fitness

There are nearly half a million cancer survivors of reproductive age in the U.S., and new research finds that very few of them are taking steps to make sure they will retain the option of having children before starting treatment.

The study -- which focuses specifically on young women -- also reveals sweeping racial, economic and demographic gaps in terms of which women have access to fertility preservation services, as well as who gets counseled about the possible long-term effects on fertility in the first place. (According to the National Cancer Institute, radiation therapy and chemotherapy agents can damage immature eggs, impact the body's hormonal balance or result in injuries to the reproductive organs.)

"Let's say you're diagnosed with breast cancer. Your doctor might say, 'The treatment might affect your fertility, but let's figure out how we're going to go ahead and save your life,'" said Dr. Mitchell Rosen, director of the University of California at San Francisco's Fertility Preservation Program and an author on the study.

"That brief sentence might be considered counseling -- and the depth of your counseling can have a real impact on your quality of life as a survivor," he added.

In the new study, published Monday in the journal Cancer, more than 1,400 women age 18 to 40 answered questions about their health and history. The women had several different types of cancer: leukemia, Hodgkin disease, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, breast cancer and gastrointestinal cancer.

Overall, 61 percent of respondents said their oncologists had counseled them on the possible risks that cancer treatments posed to their future fertility.

This, according to the researchers, represents an increase in the prevalence of counseling in the U.S. -- an increase that may be a result of American Society of Clinical Oncology [ASCO] recommendations that all women be offered reproductive counseling before beginning cancer therapy. Those guidelines were issued in 2006.

Nonetheless, the new research still uncovers significant gaps between those women who were told about possible infertility and those who weren't: Those who had gone to college were 20 percent more likely to be counseled than those who had not.

Women who were childless, younger, white and heterosexual were also more likely to be told about the possible effects of cancer treatments on their ability to conceive.

"Fertility preservation is kind of in no-man's land, so to speak, because it's a hybrid between the cancer and infertility fields," said Dr. Kutluk Okay, co-chair of the panel that developed the ASCO guidelines, which it is currently revising in light of studies like the Cancer one. It expects to release the updated guidelines in the next year or so.

"On the cancer side, there's no official training for this," Okay added, while explaining that some institutions have started pilot programs that train nurses to discuss women's options with them before their treatments begin.

But the new study also finds that while more than half of respondents had been told about possible infertility stemming from their cancer therapies, only 4 percent actually took steps to save their eggs or embryos.

This is up from 1993, when estimates suggest that 1 percent of women took such steps, but down from 2005 to 2007 when between 6 percent and 10 percent of women moved to preserve their fertility.

One major obstacle, Rosen said, is cost.

Very few, if any, insurers cover fertility preservation for men and women undergoing cancer treatments, although Rosen pointed to a bill in Sacramento, Calif., that would be the first in the nation to require insurers to provide fertility options for patients of childbearing age. According to the study's authors, the total cost of retrieving and/or producing embryos and then freezing them is between $8,000 and $24,000.

The upside, the authors write, is that the cancer treatments available in the U.S. have improved significantly, which means survival is a reality for more and more patients. This means, however, that health care providers must focus more closely on counseling patients about fertility preservation, particularly in light of the current disparities that exist.

"It can be a double blow. First, you get diagnosed with cancer all of a sudden, then you survive, you get through it all and you suffer from infertility," Rosen said. "We're getting good at saving lives. Now, we have an obligation to make sure that the quality of life is as high as it can possibly be as a survivor."


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Luxury Real Estate: How You Can Qualify to Get Luxury Homes | My ...

If on the market to find a new house, lots of people are planning to consider the Luxury Real Estate market as these homes tend to be something which are going to be needed simply by anyone that are able to afford all these. Nevertheless, when it comes to purchasing these kind of luxury homes, the person may wish to make certain that they meet the entire qualifications and determine what it requires to really qualify to find out and purchase one of these brilliant homes.

Certain requirements are a bit different than if the individual may be thinking about the regular home. And the reason for these kinds of specifications is the high expense of these luxury homes.

Among the first guidelines that folks need to understand concerning the luxury real estate market is that not every single real estate agent is going to have access to these kinds of luxury homes. As these homes can be found in certain of the most esteemed areas, there are typically agents that the sellers are likely to go with because they know the area and also have sold some other luxury homes ahead of.

When the individual can get through to the agent?s office, they are going to realize that no one can just walk in there as well as state that they?re interested in these kinds of luxury homes. It requires a little more compared to that to get into the luxury real estate market. First off, the real estate agents usually need that the seller have evidence that they can afford this kind of home. The reason behind this really is that sellers do not want to go through the hassle of having individual after individual come through their house with no intentions of purchasing this kind of home. It makes for an frustrating situation and something that gives the actual sellers little hope of selling this.

In order to show that you actually qualify for this kind of luxury homes, often a statement from the bank regarding your own assets will probably be legitimate proof. In many instances, when the person goes to their bank and inquires regarding evidence with regard to luxury real estate, they?ll be told just how much of a home loan that they?re planning to qualify for. And also this prequalification is something that helps the real estate agents to ensure the individual can pay for the luxury home. The person may have to get their credit rating also, which may be pulled up in most real estate offices that are dealing with these kind of luxury homes.

Luxury Homes ? simply just check out this website to find the best deals on luxurious properties on the web.


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Monday, March 26, 2012

How People Are Staying Healthier with Physical Therapy | Sound Mute

In accordance to the benefits of the analysis, the physical therapist can give you with an appropriate commencing level for reaching total health and fitness and fitness as properly as forecast any weaknesses that will lead to injuries in the foreseeable future. This saves the individual time mainly because it will allow you to concentrate on your unique areas of weak point.

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The goals to this cycle are accomplished through light stretching workouts that include wrist flexion, extension and rotation. All of these workouts want to be carried out with the elbow extended, held for all around twenty thirty seconds, repeated for 5 instances and performed at least 2 times a day. The moment improved versatility in the joint is accomplished and the pain has gone then you can then go to the 2nd aspect of cycle 2.

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mike Merz ? Online Marketer and Autoresponder Expert | Online ...

Who is Mike Merz?

Mike Merz has just recently been recognized as one of the top five internet marketing experts. He specializes in the area of email autoresponder efficiency for marketing on the internet. Before he started his online career, Merz had been working in retail marketing. He stayed in the retail business for over twenty years before he decided to transition to online marketing.

Merz has stated that it was his desire to work with and help other people that made him switch careers. He once said that helping others to become successful is a great way for an individual themselves to become successful. Since his first marketing campaign, Merz has helped other marketers by offering free advice through newsletters, forums, webinars and articles. Many experienced marketers charge for information or newsletters, or they try to sell the website visitors something such as affiliate software or other marketing tools.

What kind of approach does Mike Merz take in regards to business?

Merz?s overall approach to the online marketing business revolves around good ethical standards. His style of marketing management is always progressive but fair and honest at the same time. This is what helped to propel him to become one of the most well known and successful online marketers.

Today, Merz has his own website that presents free and up to date information on various topics such as autoresponder efficiency with e-mail lists, web traffic generation, mailing lists, online advertising, marketing research and joint ventures. This information is available for access by anyone that wants to learn. It is suitable for beginning and intermediate online marketers. Most of the information is presented in the form of articles or website links.

Expert Author Christopher M. Castillo of is a top internet marketing guru who works with industry leaders in developing the best tools to automate making money online. His real passion is for helping others achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations of earning a full time living online with his methods. Christopher is also known for small business consulting, business plan creation and for teaching others how to make business success. Christopher M. Castillo is an expert in marketing holds a BBA and MBA in Marketing and has decades of experience in Marketing for corporations, small business and non-profit organizations. To learn more how Christopher M. Castillo and his team of Mentors can teach you to make money online today, visit them at and take a FREE TEST DRIVE!


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dan Walters: Big voting change in California communities is a big risk

A decade-old California law and 2010 census data are having a potentially explosive effect on how governing boards of local governments, especially cities, are elected.

While all counties and larger cities and school districts have long elected their governing boards from single-member districts, smaller jurisdictions have usually used "at-large" elections in which members are elected by all voters.

It's long been a bone of civic and political contention, with members of non-white ethnic groups complaining that at-large elections deny them opportunities to place members of their communities in positions of civic power.

Call The Bee's Dan Walters, (916) 321-1195. Back columns, Follow him on Twitter @WaltersBee.

Throughout the state, the issue has often been joined via local ballot measures to switch to district voting, with some successful and some not.

Ten years ago, the Legislature weighed in. Its majority Democrats passed and then-Gov. Gray Davis signed the California Voting Rights Act, aimed at providing pathways to challenge at-large voting in the courts and thus give minority rights groups a legal weapon to compel change by showing a pattern of "racially polarized voting."

California Watch, a nonprofit journalistic organization, published an extensive article recently about how rights groups are using 2010 census data to wage their battles for district voting, noting that 14 cities with nonwhite population majorities have all-white councils.

It's becoming a very contentious issue in the affected cities. California Watch reports that in Compton, a California Voting Rights Act case may hinge on whether one sitting councilwoman, Janna Zurita, is deemed to be Latina or black.

On one level, it's understandable that civil rights activists seek more political clout through district voting. But, like all political policies, it has unintended ? and risky ? consequences.

One is illustrated by the Zurita case. In a state of ever-increasing ethnic diversity and complexity, do we really want to place voters and political figures in narrow racial pigeonholes?

Where, for instance, would Tiger Woods fit were he ever to seek political office here?

The notion ? which also permeates the latest legislative redistricting ? contains a faint whiff of racial categorization, ? la South Africa or the American South in the bad old days of apartheid and segregation. It assumes that someone of one race cannot represent those of another and adds to the self-segregation already afflicting California.

Another is the effect of having city council members who represent just one slice of the community ? geographic, cultural, ideological or all ? and may lack genuine interest in the city's overall welfare.

The petty, back-stabbing, what's-in-it-for-me-and-mine politics in cities such as San Francisco, Sacramento and Los Angeles attest to the very real downside of district voting.


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